Module .info.yml Format
name: My Great Drupal Project
type: module
description: Provides something cool and new that Drupal doesn't do on its own
package: GT
version: "8.x-1.0"
core: "8.x"
- image
- block
- node
- menu_ui
- 'drupal:system (>= 8.5)'
project: "my_module"
project status url: https://my_server.localhost/release-history/my_module/8.x
Only name, type, description, package, version, and core are required. project and project status url should only be used if you have a Drupal distribution repository for your module
dependencies is a list of module machine names that are required for this module to function correctly. The last one demonstrates how to also require specific versions of a module.
This same format is used for themes and profiles, but type should be changed to either 'theme' or 'profile' accordingly
Module .libraries.yml Format
css/my_module.css: {}
js/my_module.js: {}
- core/drupal
- core/jquery
All sections are optional, so only add what you need. dependencies is only needed if you are making use of Drupal behaviors or JQuery functions in a custom JavaScript file
You can list multiple CSS or JavaScript files as needed. Just follow the format shown below.
While not required, prefixing your CSS and JavaScript files with the machine name of your modules makes in-browser debugging a bit easier.
Module .routing.yml Format
path: 'somewhere/out/there'
_controller: '\Drupal\my_module\Controller\MyController:myMethod'
_title: "My Special Dynamic Drupal Page"
_permission: 'administer nodes'
path: 'somewhere/in/here/{action}'
_controller: '\Drupal\my_module\Controller\MyController:myOtherMethod'
_title: "My Special Dynamic Drupal Page With a Parameter"
action: ''
_permission: 'administer nodes'
Replace all instances of "my_module" with the machine name of your module, and come up with a unique "my_route_id" for each of your routes.
Take note that path should not start with a forward slash!
_controller can be a method in a controller function, or for old-timers, can also be just a regular function name as defined in your .module file.
requirements is optional, and lets you restrict access to the page based on Drupal permissions. Of course, you'll need the machine name of the permission, and you have to do a little digging to find those values.
Module Format
title: 'My New Menu Item'
description: 'Description of this menu item'
parent: parent_menu_id
route_name: my_route_id
Replace all instances of "my_module" with the machine name of your module, and come up with a unique "my_menulink_id" for each of your links.
"parent_menu_id" should be the ID of a menu object or an existing menu item on a menu object.
"my_route_id" should be a route defined in your module's .routing.yml file.