Available Twig Templates

Taken from /core/includes/theme.inc (base Twig templates found in /core/modules/system/templates/, but can be overridden by chosen site Drupal theme).

'table' => ['variables' => ['header' => NULL, 'rows' => NULL, 'footer' => NULL, 'attributes' => [], 'caption' => NULL, 'colgroups' => [], 'sticky' => FALSE, 'responsive' => TRUE, 'empty' => ''],],

'item_list' => ['variables' => ['items' => [], 'title' => '', 'list_type' => 'ul', 'wrapper_attributes' => [], 'attributes' => [], 'empty' => NULL, 'context' => []],],

'image' => ['variables' => ['uri' => NULL, 'width' => NULL, 'height' => NULL, 'alt' => '', 'title' => NULL, 'attributes' => [], 'sizes' => NULL, 'srcset' => [], 'style_name' => NULL],],

'links' => ['variables' => ['links' => [], 'attributes' => ['class' => ['links']], 'heading' => [], 'set_active_class' => FALSE],],

// From form.inc.
'input' => ['variables' => ['attributes' => [], 'children' => [],],
'select' => ['variables' => ['attributes' => [], 'options' => [],],
'radios' => ['variables' => ['attributes' => [], 'children' => [],], - Wrapper for a set of rendered radio buttons stored in 'children'
'checkboxes' => ['variables' => ['attributes' => [], 'children' => [],], - Wrapper for a set of rendered checkboxes stored in 'children'
'textarea' => ['variables' => ['wrapper_attributes' => [], ['attributes' => [], 'resizable' => "", 'required' => "", 'value' => "",],

'vertical_tabs' => ['variables' => ['attributes' => [], 'children' => [],],

'form' => ['variables' => ['attributes' => [], 'children' => [],], - Wrapper for a full form (provides the 'form' tag)
'form_element' - Wrapper for any form element.  See /core/modules/system/templates/form-element.html.twig for details on variables
'fieldset' - Wrapper for a set of related fields.  See /core/modules/system/templates/fieldset.html.twig for details on variables
'details' - Wrapper for a details component.  See /core/modules/system/templates/details.html.twig for details on variables

'container' => ['variables' => ['attributes' => [], 'children' => [], 'has_parent' => "",],- General purpose theme for wrapping a set of children in a DIV element

'time' => ['variables' => ['timestamp' => NULL, 'text' => NULL, 'attributes' => []],],

'dropbutton_wrapper' => ['variables' => ['children' => NULL],],

// From pager.inc.
'pager' - Page navigation controls for paged content.  See /core/modules/system/templates/pager.html.twig for details on variables

// From menu.inc.
'menu' - Navigational menu.  See /core/modules/system/templates/menu.html.twig for details on variables
'menu_local_tasks' - Local tasks menu.  See /core/modules/system/templates/menu-local-tasks.html.twig for details on variables

// From field system.
'field' - Default theme for displaying a field
'field_multiple_value_form' - Wrapper for editing a table of field items.  See /core/modules/system/templates/field-multiple-value-form.html.twig

// Themes for core Drupal page components.  For reference only.
'html' - HTML wrapper for all pages
'page' - Content wrapper (defines all regions; usually overridden by Drupal site theme)
'page_title' => ['variables' => ['title' => NULL]],
'breadcrumb' => ['variables' => ['links' => []],],
'status_messages' => ['variables' => ['status_headings' => [], 'message_list' => NULL],],
'region' - Wrapper for an individual region on a page